Employers: Consider benefits of filing payroll taxes electronically
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There are distinct benefits of e-filing. If you are an employer, you should be considering how they could benefit you.
Is that the IRS contacting you – or is it a scam?
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We've compiled some of the most common tax scams, including common phone call scams and email scams from thieves pretending to be from the IRS.
Things to think about when choosing a tax preparer
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It’s the time of the year when you may be choosing a tax preparer. Choose wisely because you are responsible for all the information on your income tax return.
How to protect your private tax data
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Are you digitally aware? Do you have an active strategy to protect your digital information? You should protect your personal and financial data from criminals. Thieves use your data to file bogus tax returns and commit crimes while impersonating you.
Taxpayers can get tax info on social media
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Everyone is on social media these days, and I mean everyone. Even the IRS. If you'd like to follow us, here are our social media links and what we share on each network.